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Slug Signorino Humorous Illustration now available for purchase through Amazon! Copies in both paperback and hardcover.
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Slug Signorino Humorous Illustration book cover

Slug Signorino is an accomplished artist and illustrator most notably known for his illustrations for the Straight Dope column in the Chicago Reader newspaper, starting in September 1975 to June 2018, and more than two dozen alternative newspapers in America and growing internationally.


He has illustrated over 2000 Straight Dope columns, and illustrated for many significant publications including posters for the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago, the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, illustrations for Playboy Magazine, Oui Magazine, US News and World Report, Mother Jones, Chicago Tribune, Chicago Magazine, Harlan Quist, Scholastic Math Magazine, Scott Foresman, and many, many more educational publishers.


This book is a compilation of his illustrations over the years, including one half of the  Straight Dope illustrations from 1998 - 2018, and a short biography of how he started out as a drummer then became a humorous illustrator.

© 2021 by Susie Signorino. Proudly created with

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